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First Steps to Baptism, Congratulations!

We warmly welcome baptism enquiries from anyone.

Baptism is an important step and we are thrilled you wish to find out more about it. Baptism happens only once in a lifetime and is an important step in coming closer to God.

We all want the best for our children. This is an opportunity to start a journey of faith with them. Whilst most are for young children, we welcome candidates of any age; babies, children and adults.

There is no charge: God’s love comes free.

As baptism is a serious commitment, there is some preparation to help you to understand what it is and what promises will be asked of candidates. Parents of children too young to make promises are invited to an evening preparation meeting; older children and adults have age-appropriate preparation and make their own promises in the service. Preparation is led by one of the clergy team and a member of the congregation.

For more information contact

Fr Barry Abbott on 0191 488 7397 or come along to Holy Trinity Church, Swalwell after the morning service (which finishes around 10.00am) to arrange a date for your Baptism. We can also be contacted in person at our weekly Lite Bite lunch, on Monday’s between 11:30am and 1:00pm in Swalwell Community Centre, Clavering Road Swalwell.

Download an Application Form or a Baptism Booklet

Around the birth of a baby:

Your baby can also be blessed at birth, in hospital or at home. In addition clergy offer private ministry (at home or in church) following a miscarriage.