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Parish Goings On

The Parish is in vacancy again after the retirement of Rector Barry Abbott from both our Church and St Mary’s Church, Whickham. This means we have begun a process of appointing a new vicar for the two parishes. A process that will take at least 12 months. we are fortunate to have the services of Revd. Brian Howell in Swalwell. Brian is retired from full time ministry but will take Sunday services in Holy Trinity, supported by Revd, Joan Urwin.  When Brian and Joan are not available the Churchwardens will ask other clergy in the Deanery to support us on a Sunday morning. This means that we hope to celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday as normal.

Our regular gathering together at Oasis on Tuesday afternoons will also continue and we expect to still arrange other activities throughout this period of vacancy.

Please look out for other announcements and further information on our Facebook page.